Wednesday, March 03, 2010

10 BIG Reasons why you should have a BLOG

  1. Fast and Simple:

    Blogging is a fast and simple way of posting content, images and video to your site. A web designer can get it designed and set up within a few days. Posting with engines like Wordpress is a breeze. Just type and publish :)

  2. Cheap:

    Its fairly cheap to get a blog designed and developed. Unlike a website, a blog takes less effort which means more savings for you. With a blog on your site, you have a very powerful marketing tool at your fingertips.

  3. Fresh Content:

    Having a website is great. You have your about us page your services brief and your contact page. Now what! Usually websites just sit there without ever being updated and the content rusts. By rusts I mean, search engines have nothing new to report about your website. Been there done that. A blog changes all that. With the power to Post at will, the blog can shake the cob webs off your website and give it LIFE! By blogging consistently you provide not only search engines but also readers with new content to explore and read.

  4. Google Friendly:

    Its good become friends with Google. One condition for its friendship is being optimized for search engines. A blog ranks you higher in search engines. Content is king and new content is even better. Using keywords that describe your website and its products or services will move you up in the rankings, slowly but surely. Blogs are search engine's best friends. Don't have a site without one.

  5. Direct Contact:

    Over time with consistent blogging, you will have developed a following of readers who will subscribe to your blog and get updates via email every time you post something new. This is a direct line of communication between you and your target audience. For example, we are a professional web design company and we write mostly about what is most important to our industry and market.

  6. Brand it:

    The more you blog, the more people hear about your website. Repetition is a great way of remembering something forever. This creates awareness of the product or service you offer. Its just like those annoying car wash coupons you get in the mail. We rarely use them, but you do remember that company that gives those car wash coupons every time. When you do need a car wash, who do you think you will go to? EXACTLY!

  7. Business Relationships:

    By speaking freely and posting honest and open content on your blog, it will create a very relaxed and informal environment where your readers will soon feel like they know you well. With your readers commenting on your blog and you replying back to your posts, creates that one on one bond with potential clients. This in turn creates trust in what you do. Blogging is a great way to network with readers all over the Web.

  8. Mr. Expert:

    This is your Blog. You are the one that knows your website and its content the best. Nobody else. Become the authority on what you are advocating. Most of the readers that come to your blog are people in search of information and knowledge. Potential clients will be much more likely to engage with your products or services if they see you as the Expert in your field. Yes, you might not know everything, but you know more than your customer. Be confident and post as the leader of your industry.

  9. Customer Insight:

    By allowing customers to leave comments on your blogs, you get an insight on what their reactions, their problems and their needs are. You can also get a feel for what kind of topics the readers are more inclined to comment on and what they aren't interested in. This will give you some great leads on what to focus your efforts on when marketing and how to direct your website content.
  10. Traffic, Inbound links and Indexed pages:

    Simply put; visitors, Visitors and MORE VISITORS! The HubSpot recently did a statistical survey to compare companies that blogged regularly to ones that didn't blog at all. After looking at over 1,500 companies the results were staggering. Companies with a blog have:

    • 55% more visitors
    • 97% more inbound links from other websites
    • 434% more indexed pages

      Every client that comes to us with hopes to have a killer website that looks and functions better than their competitors, we almost immediately recommend them to have a Blog. We tell them the exact same thing we have told you. That was one of our main reasons of sending out this newsletter. We didn't want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to get ahead online in their industry. It doesn't take long for a blog to capture readers. Readers who are looking and thirsty for information and services from the right company. These could be your readers and potential clients. If you don't already have a blog let us know. We can build a blog that will fit in within the theme of your website. I hope to hear from you soon. :)


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Anonymous Saad Malik said...

Great article!
I constantly push my clients start up a blog, especially if they are a new company.

Also, if I may add - having a blog eventually leads to your own small "community." As Dharmesh Shah from HubSpot puts it, "The more remarkable and useful your content is, the more people will want to visit."

When your readers see that you are trying to help them rather than take their money, they will begin to appreciate your company. These people will become part of your community and eventually support your business.

3/03/2010 3:39 PM  

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